P.O.W. Series: Purpose
Purpose is defined as the feeling of being determined to do or achieve something, the aim or goal of a person, and subject under discussion or an action in course of execution.
“What is my purpose?”, that is the question that we all face at a very early age.Ms. Bertice Berry hit the nail on the head and gave us the absolute reason that it is imperative we seek to answer this question for our lives. Not only do we need to answer it, but we need to walk in it. It is the very reason why we were born in this earth. We were created and custom designed to fulfill a specific purpose. According to the definition, it is the aim or goal of a person. If you are functioning in something other than the purpose you were born to manifest on this earth, then you are simply living to die, by never manifesting the reason why. When you walk in your purpose, you will fulfill the reason why you were born and reach your destined place. You have everything you need to fulfill your purpose.
We all have a responsibility to live a purpose-driven life. Someone is waiting for you to operate in and walk in your purpose. Your actions and efforts should be directly connected to your purpose. When you are pursuing your purpose, you have the passion, which is the fuel to not only keep you going, but to propel you to the next level.
Your purpose is the foundation upon which you should be building your business. Whenever anything is created it is created FOR A PURPOSE, to bring solution to a problem. Your business provides an answer to a problem. You must make sure that the goals and objectives you perform in your business are focused and targeted ON PURPOSE, according to your vision and mission. Staying focused and walking IN PURPOSE will ensure you SOAR BEYOND THE LIMITS in business and life!
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Soaring Beyond the Limits,
Dr. Tylisha Johnson
Abundant Life Strategist